@extends('layouts/fullLayoutMaster') @section('title', 'Terms And Conditions') @section('page-style') {{-- Page Css files --}} @endsection @section('content')
The Doctors Diet builds health technologies and services that enable people to live a better healthy experience, build healthy communities and decrease medical risks. These Terms govern your subscription of The Doctors Diet programs, The Doctors Diet App and the other products, features, services, communication tools and other channels that we (The Doctors Diet) offer except where we expressly state that separate terms (and not these) apply. These Products and services are provided to you by The Doctors Diet LLC. Dubai authenticity, UAE. Your medical information and all medical records will be of high privacy in safe data warehouse The Doctors Diet and any other products and services covered by these Terms. Should be subscribed and submitted in using our Products through agreeing to our terms and conditions. Subscription Commercials The second party realizes that most of the effort and follow-up we do in our clinics and centers is a work that focuses and revolves around improving community life, improving public health, and helping many people to get rid of obesity and get a better life experience and help them enjoy better health conditions and get rid of many diseases that may Sometimes they are chronic diseases, and in order to realize the extent of the successes and positive additions that we offer to the community, the second party is fully aware that our promotional campaigns through social media channels were the basis for information and informing the target groups about the advantages of obtaining optimal health through nutritional services covered by full medical supervision. And as the second party was part of this success, and want to share it with public service, we (The Doctors Diet) will shoot a video in which he tells the public his success story that embodies our joint success in achieving weight loss. The second party pledges that it waives all rights to any video material or any video clip filmed in one of the branches of the first team.